Find what makes you move and unlock your full potential

You’re More Powerful Than You Think

If so, you are in the right place!

BE PREPARED to discover the resourcefulness within and change the way you see the world.

Through deep and awareness-awaking conversation, we will explore the fundamental truths of the mind’s inner workings and how thoughts impact our lives – how changing our thinking is changing our outer world and leading to happiness and fulfillment.

Working on the mindset, we’ll find out what drives you and what is holding you back.

You are unique, and so the coaching agenda will be custom-made for you. Together we will discover your vision and what you really want, what motivates you to take action, and find out unique ways of reaching your goals.


Mindset and Performance Coach

My vision is to leave this world better than I found it.

And coaching is a way to show care for people and the world, and to leave a legacy. I do this by assisting and inspiring others to live on their terms and discover their true nature – innate wisdom, guidance, creativity, growth, trust, gratitude, and above all – happiness.

But it wasn’t always like that; there were times when I was selfish, stressed, and destructive to others, the environment, and myself. I was a slave to my bad habits and lived in autopilot mode; I was in a bottomless pit, unable to see the light and purpose of living. It was hard to turn around; I felt sick, tired, and in great pain.

I had reached the bottom and knew I needed to take action. The change started with a book on self-development. Then the lifetime journey started and continued with more books, courses, mindfulness meditation retreats, and meeting new people who inspired me to think and see the world and appear differently. The habits began transforming into a healthy lifestyle: peace, energy, fearlessness, awareness, emotional balance, appreciation, joy. I also got my dream job! I live through continually learning and giving space to the things that really matter.

The more aware I became about myself, the more I found a natural calling to help others see their true potential. From that point, I worked on gaining additional knowledge and training as an accredited coach.

Today I am a certified Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) Master Practitioner from Richard Bandler, Solution-Focused ICF ACC-accredited coach, and The Three Principles (3Ps) practitioner.

Client Testimonials


I offer a free 60-minute consultation to people interested
in using my services. It’s a great way for me to find out a
bit more about what you’re hoping to achieve and to see if we get on, of course.

For those interested in working with me, I offer two online coaching packages, which I’ve listed below.

US $575/EU €475

Five 60-minute Skype sessions, exercises, and additional email follow up.

US $1,035/EU €855

Ten 60-minute Skype sessions, exercises, and additional email follow up.

Get in Touch