Client Testimonials

Irenijus has a superb ability to take us to places of our psyche that we didn’t know existed. To the places that could be limiting us from reaching our full potential or getting the results we truly desire.
During the coaching together, I have gained a deep understanding of myself, of exactly why I do the things I do. For example, I used to believe that all of my success was due to luck. I know now this is not true. Irenijus helped me realize that there is an element of luck in all we do. The years of dedication to my work, studies, facing my fears, and bettering myself were all I and the results I’ve gotten because these efforts were all deserved.
Discovering I had a limiting belief about my success and then altering that belief has completely changed my life! My attitude to business, my confidence, and my results have dramatically improved. Since working with Irenijus, my income has more than doubled!!
I couldn’t recommend Irenijus any more highly than I do. He will help you get to a level of success you probably haven’t dreamed of. He will help you discover things about yourself you didn’t know existed. He will help you understand why you do the things you do and, if needed, change.

Haydn Griffiths

High-Performance Coach – Kamloops, Canada

I was planning a significant change in my life and career but wasn’t sure where to start. I was delaying my actions by having many excuses. Also, my daily routine was out of shape. I was waiting for the magical day to come and change to happen. In other words, I was procrastinating with many excuses.
I was very excited to start working with Irenijus.
Before starting coaching, I had big plans but no options on how to start. After working together, I had a plan and many options to choose from.
I believe we can all make changes happen, but having support, the change would occur faster and be more sustainable. Irenijus is a very good listener, and he helps to clarify thoughts and act based on one’s values. Irenijus helped me in planning my career turn and supported me in taking action. Also, he helped a number of my friends too!!! I highly recommend Irenijus to everyone who wants a change in life.

Marius Ciunas

Software Consultant – London, UK

Initially, I was stuck, was not sure about the future and what actions to take. Tried to work harder on my career and further education, but neither produced satisfying results. During the first session, I realized I must make changes to be happy and achieve what I really want out of life. I started a few new daily habits, which have added a surprisingly positive effect immediately. It’s great to have someone hold me accountable. After one month of coaching, I knew exactly what to do. Two months later, I felt my goals were totally doable! This shift into believing it was a huge breakthrough for me. This coaching experience exceeded my expectations – my confidence increased.  After one of the sessions, I noticed the immediate result the next day – I was no longer nervous when talking in front of an audience.  After the lasting change, I feel much stronger internally and certain about myself. My journey is just beginning, but I feel I’m on the right track and excited about the future. I’m very grateful. Irenijus is truly passionate about coaching, and he helped me in so many ways.

Deon Guo

 IT Professional – Ireland, Dublin

When I started the coaching, I was stuck in a place where I felt little motivation for the business I was setting up and was almost at the stage of giving up. I was very close to completing the project at the time, but self-doubt was creeping in, stopping me from going any further. The most significant issues I was facing were a clear path of where I wanted to go.
Now I have renewed motivation and have completed a significant milestone, which has been months in the waiting. I have freed up time by reducing my procrastination and breaking through self-doubt.
Today I am more inspired to take actions outside of my comfort zone and attack them with decisiveness. I have a clearer vision of what the future will look like and how I can get there.
If you want to solve issues you are having in your life or want to have a clearer idea of where you want to go, working with Irenijus will help you lay that path down and achieve your goals. He is a great listener and can guide you to the solution to many of the problems that are in your way.

Josh Quartey

Forecast Analyst – Auckland, New Zeland

I was facing a lot of issues centered around worthiness and over-accommodation. Making time for myself is something I struggle with. Feeling okay with self-care and the pursuit of my own interests is something I find challenging.
After working with Irenijus, I gained a lot of clarity on what is important to me. Aa greater sense of self-worth, and that I can benefit the people around me by taking care of myself instead of always putting other people first. We could get to the root of some childhood traumas that have contributed to my current outlook and recognize that my view can change.
Irenijus is very skilled in giving you the room to imagine what you’d like your life to look like.  You don’t need to be overwhelmed by the big picture and can focus on the little steps. He’s really good at validating those steps and encouraging you to feel okay invalidating your progress.

Mars Williamson

Colorist – Melbourne, Australia

I had amazing sessions with Irenijuis, I had questions about a relationship I was in, and it helped me
to realize that this was not the kind of relationship I wished to be in. I also committed to setting a date
for a workshop I was planning. It was fabulous to kick start my new business after not working for many
years. I am so pleased I took the opportunity to work with Irenijuis, I had fantastic results, and I would
highly recommend him as an excellent coach.

Nadine Lewis

Life Coach – UK

Before working with Irenijus, I felt like my life was on track. Everything was moving in the right direction. However, I can look back now and say I was putting my energy into many important tasks. But not putting enough energy into the single most crucial task. This clarity and prioritization have been a real eye-opener. I got to where I want to be faster because of the way Irenijus explored ideas with me. He gently unearthed epiphanies.
Clarity on what is essential and priorities (sounds cliché, I know…). I was so focused and obsessed with my career (e.g., job-hopping to a new role or promotion) that I lost sight of what is essential. Irenijus gave me space, and I had this epiphany… if I am in the same position for my career in a year, I’d still be happy. However, if I were still single, I’d deem that as a failure. My life goal is around family (career is to support this), and being 30, I need to settle down. So why was I spending so much time in my career and spending no time in the dating scene? Irenijus helped me set goals and action them. Then held myself accountable for these goals and instilled confidence in other areas.
Irenijus will take you to another level. I’d highly recommend him if you want to brainstorm your life, prioritize what is essential and raise your self-awareness.


Software Engineering Manager – London, UK